Special Education
Special education provides supports and services so that students with disabilities can access the general education curriculum. Heatherwood provides a wide range of special education services to qualifying students. Visit the BVSD Special Education Website for more detailed information on the services and support available to all students in the Boulder Valley School District.
Special education resource teachers work with students who have a wide range of learning disabilities. The students we work with are on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) designed to meet the student's unique needs. We collaborate with general education teachers to support students in the classroom and teach various subjects, such as reading, writing, and math, to students with mild and moderate disabilities in our resource room.
Speech- Language pathologists (also known as speech-language therapists, speech therapists, speech teachers, etc.) help students gain the most benefit from their education by increasing their ability to access, understand, interact with and respond to the curriculum, their teachers and their peers. As it says in the name, we work specifically in the areas of speech and language. In the area of speech: we work on speech sound articulation (pronunciation), stuttering, vocal tone and quality, and more. In the area of language: we address listening and reading comprehension, following directions, understanding concepts, explaining and self-expression, attention, social skills, and more.
AIM Program
The Achieving with Individualization and Modification (AIM) program at Heatherwood is a Significant Support Needs classroom. Students in this class require significant supports for academic, social, emotional and health needs. Student success is judged by academic growth, emotional and social growth, transition, independent and life skill achievement and increasing ability to be included in the general education classroom.
occupational therapy
Occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) needs are often part of the identification process for special education. When movement (motor) concerns appear to be a component of the educational disability, an OT/PT evaluation may be requested. However, these services in the school setting are considered 'related.' That is, they must be related to a Special Education eligibility category