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drawing of ocean animals

The Art progarm at Heatherwood strives to create an early appreciation and passion for art and extends the classroom curriculum through subject-related art projects. Students in the younger grades (K-2) are introduced to the basic elements of art via projects that explore line, texture, form, shape, color, composition and value. Older students (grades 3 - 5) are challenged with more complex projects using the elements of art and studying more artists and art-based careers. At Heatherwood, students discover the elements of art (color, line, shape, texture, and space) and the principles of design as they draw, paint, sculpt, build, observe, and talk about art. Many different art materials and techniques are used to communicate students' ideas and feelings.  Students learn about artists and art from different cultures and have fun learning and making art!​

What can you do as a parent?​ 

  • Ask your child about art class.
  • Display your child's art projects with pride.
  • Keep a portfolio with all your child's artwork.
  • Frame and display your child's work in your home.
  • Volunteer to be an art room helper.
  • Donate interesting unwanted junk to the art department. 
  • Take your child to art galleries, art shows and museums.
  • If you are an artist or have an art specialty, volunteer to share your talent at Heatherwood.​​


Our curriculum sequentially supports the district and state Visual Arts Standards as follows:

  • Communication: Students recognize and use the visual arts as a form of communication. 
  • Perception: Students know and apply the elements of art, principles of design and sensory and expressive features of the visual arts. 
  • Materials and Techniques: Students know and apply visual arts materials, tools, techniques, processes and technology. 
  • History and Culture: Students relate the visual arts to various historical and cultural traditions. 
  • Analysis: Students analyze and evaluate the characteristics, merits and meanings of works of art.​​ 

Additional information on BVSD's Elementary School Arts Curriculum can be found below.

Meet our Art Teacher

Angela Alexander

Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-6942