About Us
Heatherwood Elementary Welcomes you!
About Our School
Heatherwood Elementary’s academic strength lies in a balanced and integrated curricular program. Children master and apply literacy and math skills through learning that emphasizes research, problem solving, simulations and technology. The instructional program goes on to teach the use of those skills in higher-level problem solving. Staff and parents foster mutual cooperation, emotional support, and personal and academic growth for all students. Children benefit from flexible classroom settings, team teaching, paraeducator support, and consistent communication between school and home.
The influence of a highly qualified, motivated and dedicated teacher cannot be overstated. At Heatherwood, our teachers are constantly striving for success and continuous improvement. Their efforts are reflected in the academic achievements of our students and have been regionally and nationally recognized.
Program Characteristics
Heatherwood Elementary provides a strong educational, social and emotional foundation for students preparing them for success in life! The achievements of Heatherwood can be credited to the true “Partnership in Education” that exists between the highly trained professional staff, dedicated and involved parents, and the wonderful children with whom we work!
Special instructional programs at Heatherwood include:
- Achieveing with Individualization and Modification (AIM) program for children with autism spectrum disorder.
- Special Education services for qualifying students.
- Personal Learning Plans (PLP) for identified talented and gifted students.
- Exceptional art, music, library and physical education programs.
- BVSD AM/PM Preschool Program.
- LLI Literacy Program providing intensive intervention strategies in reading and writing for qualified students.
Heatherwood houses BVSD's Color Me Smart (CMS) Preschool Aged Care Program during the school day and BVSD's School-Age Care (SAC) Program after school. In addition, Heatherwood hosts a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and clubs.
Classroom Configuration
Heatherwood has an open space classroom design. While you won't see four walls and a closed door style of classroom that you may have grown up with, you will see well defined, amazingly quiet classroom spaces. In our experience, the open structure encourages and enables flexible grouping of students for academic activities and cooperative teaching.
Our teachers love the camaraderie and accountability of the open space and students readily adapt to the environment. Students learn to be aware of and respectful of others. BVSD middle school teachers comment that students from Heatherwood are very good at focusing and staying on task.
Environmentally conscious
Heatherwood participates in the following environmentally friendly programs and events:
- Eco Cycle's Green Star School Program
- Garden to Table Program
- Farm to School Project
- The School Food Project
- Walk & Roll Week
- International Walk to School Day
- On site solar photovoltaic farm
School Achievement
Heatherwood Elementary has a long and proud reputation for being a consistently high achieving neighborhood school! Heatherwood’s academic strength lies in our balanced and integrated curricular program. Children master and apply literacy and mathematics skills through learning that emphasizes research, problem solving, simulations and technology. The instructional program extends learning through the use of those skills in higher level problem solving. Using classroom based authentic measurements reinforces that our students are academically and socially prepared for success in life.
Academics are only one measure of a successful school. The Heatherwood community values social and emotional growth in addition to strong academic skills. Students are engaged in meaningful opportunities to learn and develop as they become responsible, respectful and contributing members of the community. Heatherwood uses the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) model of teaching students how to interact in positive ways, productively resolving conflict as they learn. The nurturing environment allows students to take risks, make mistakes and develop socially through their learning.
Information on Heatherwood's curriculum and other related topics can be found on the BVSD Curriculum website. Additional information and resources can be found on the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) website.